A note from your SEO Queen .. SEO? I hear you muttering .. well having at last figured out what SEO actually means (it’s your bloomin’ ratings in Google – Search Engine Optimising – keep up!) I then had to figure out how to get Betty’s up there in the ratings.. (well I think there are a bunch of pixies in the sky who decide which website looks best presented – not sure). Anyway today I finally did, I typed ‘Liberty Betsy blue’ into Google, and there, page 1 of the results under Liberty of London was good old Betty’s Sewing Box . We’ve arrived everybody! we’ve arrived! Happy Christmas one and all! [as you can see slight hysteria is seeping in] .. who cares if there’s a pandemic? Try it at once. [exit followed by a tipple – see below]
Hello Everybody – I hope this finds you well and enjoying the countdown (or should it be the ‘lockdown’?) to Christmas.
Just when I thought the year could not get any worse – it did for me, and as some of you know I lost my lovely Mum. After my last rather bleak email (for which I apologise) I had so many wonderful messages of support from people, which was really appreciated when I was feeling so low). Yes Mum had had a good innings by many standards, and I suppose I’d been letting go of her for a while, but when it happened .. well suffice to say it has hit me hard, the circumstances of Covid preventing me from seeing her properly for a long time.
Not just me having a difficult time in our Betty’s family either, Julie’s mother in law Joyce has passed away, kept independent in her own home until the grand age of 92, but our most sincere sympathy to Nigel, Julie and the family. Decking the halls wasn’t such a good idea for our lovely John either and we send him our love for a speedy recovery after he fell off a ladder, battered and bruised but thankfully home now.
How cruel this pandemic has been, it’s turned us upside down and shaken us all to the core. I hope that despite it all you are keeping your spirits up either with actual spirits ( I find mixing mulled wine and ginger wine in equal quantities, then warming in the microwave for a minute, works wonders) and keeping in the crafting spirit – or both!
Many of you have visited Betty’s showing photos of your ‘makes’ – knitting, crocheting, quilting, sewing…. it’s lovely to see finished projects, especially using supplies from the shop. I also heard Sophia’s zoom crochet sessions have been a real hit. The best thing to do is something crafty, keep occupied on these dismal evenings .. I’ve randomly been doing a bit of pebble painting, I used to do it as an art therapy exercise with youngsters – it’s been a real delight to get the paints out and give myself some therapy.
Anyway we will close our doors for a few weeks on December 23rd, and reopen on Monday January 4th you can still order from the website, or contact me by email if you’re having a ‘notion’ nightmare or haberdashery horror.. sorry it’s late. I can’t wait for a new year, new workshops .. oh and a new decade . for me
Merry Christmas – have loads of ‘bubbles’ – but Only 3 bubbles – keep safe.
Much love
Annie x

After School Sewing group – what a bunch of gorgeous munchkins!