Hello Everybody ..
I’m writing this on a football frenzy sort of day – with the sun showing it’s face at last .. amazing smells permeating from the Tearoom kitchen and the crochet ladies immersed in woolly talk..
So my debut on TV with Lorraine has not gone to my head – feet firmly on the ground but a little video below for you to enjoy!
Betty’s continues to build up with people visiting from far afield – even people from the ‘Shire’ (that’s Gloucestershire the place where I was brung up ).. chatting to people finds me lapsing back into my West Country burr and getting very nostalgic. Our online business continues to grow and I’m sending parcels as far away as Brazil, USA and Trinidad .. Betty’s goes global!
Recent workshops have been a success, with people enjoying the and mindfulness that crafting brings. Our local Watercolour artist Mary, is planning a regular weekly watercolour course from the Autumn – so If you’re interested please contact her directly HERE.
… Oh dear England have just lost out to penalties .. but what an amazing championship that has lifted spirits during these tense times.. I still don’t understand the offside rule though🙄
Take up Crafting it’s far less stressful
Love and Blessings